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At the end of our last Malaysia trip we visited Malaysia’s holiday island Redang. The island is especially popular with locals as a weekend getaway. We went there during low season and it was relatively quiet there – so we had 3 wonderful days with perfect weather.
Redang video – the most beautiful beaches and snorkeling spots
Of course we tried to see as much as possible of the island and its surroundings and captured everything with our GoPros.
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More information about Redang you can find in our blog category about Redang.
How did you like our Redang video? Do you also plan to visit the island some day? We’re looking forward to reading your comments below.

Hi, I'm Marcel! Blogger, author and founder of this travel blog. I've been traveling almost constantly since 2013 and love to travel in Southeast Asia and Europe. I also enjoy traveling with my child. Find out more on our About Us page.
Awesome post, I love your video! Definitely, I’m looking for a destination for my long trip next year. 🙂 Malaysia is now written on my travel list, I believe there are a lot of different fun things to do there.
Hi, were did you stay at Redang?
Hi Tom,
we stayed in the Redang De Rimba Resort in the middle of the island.
Best regards,