About Us – Travel Blog Home is where your Bag is

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We – Tobi and Marcel – launched our blog Home is where your Bag is together in 2012. Back then with a different blog name and with a focus on the upcoming round-the-world trip, that was planned from January 2013 to end of July 2013.

The round-the-world trip changed into a journey to Southeast Asia and Australia/Oceania, because we decided to throw over our plans while being on the road. But this is what freedom while traveling is all about – just stay wherever you like it and skip other places instead.

By now, the initial fascination for some Southeast Asian countries turned into more than that and we travel, live and work there many months a year.

Although we preferably travel to Southeast Asia, the other Asian countries are on top of our Bucket List as well. And also, the rest of the world needs to be discovered, but this is certainly going to happen at a later date.


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At the moment we feel very well here and discover many places in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines etc. to give you our best infos and insider tips. And we always try to travel slowly and off the beaten tourist paths to see more of the country and especially its people. “Live like a local” is the name of the game.

Particularly, we are very keen on the beach life and the local food. Also, we love the mentality, attitude and kindness of Southeast Asia’s people. There is so much to discover and experience here and you meet many interesting people.

Tobi and Marcel at Bottle Beach, Koh Phangan (Thailand)

If you want to know where our next trip is going to lead us, what we’ll do there and especially which places we can recommend you, there’s only one remedy: Follow us on our Social Media channels! So you always will be the first to be up to date.

Do you have any further questions or you want to give us some feedback, then you can do that best via our contact form.

As to the rest, we hope you have a lot of fun on our blog and we’re always glad to get many comments on our articles.

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